About us

About the CI

The Symbol of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation

  • The splendid form of the traditional dance moves expresses the joy of encountering Korean cultural heritage.
  • The images within it signify flexibility of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation, which provides various content of Korean traditional culture.
  • It has a shape of goreum, the coat string-like long ribbon of hanbok, which connects the Korean culture from the past to the present, symbolizing the beauty of Korean curvaceous lines.


The Symbol of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation grid 01
The Symbol of the Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation grid 02


Main Colors
메인컬러 01
Kheritage Orange
PANTONE 1375C / M45 + Y90 / R248 + G157 + B51
메인컬러 02
Kheritage Green
PANTONE 376C / C45 + Y100 / R153 + G202 + B60
메인컬러 03
Kheritage Blue
PANTONE 801C / C90 + M5 / R0 + G171 + B234
메인컬러 04
Kheritage Pink
PANTONE 673C / M65 + Y5 / R241 + G124 + B168
메인컬러 05
Kheritage Gray
PANTONE Cool Gray 10C / K70 / R109 + G110 + B112
Accent Colors
강조컬러 01
Kheritage Gold
PANTONE 874C / C25 + M40 + Y60 / R195 + G154 + B115
강조컬러 02
Kheritage Silver
PANTONE 877C / C5 + K40 / R157 + G165 + B171
강조컬러 03
Kheritage Black
PANTONE Pro.BlackC / K100 / R0 + G0 + B0

Use of Color

Use of Color 01
Use of Color 02

Background Color

Background White
Background Color 01

이외의 다른 배경색에 사용할 경우, 명시성과 색상의 조합을 고려하여 사용하도록 한다.

Background Color 02

금·은박, 엠보싱(Embossing), 디보싱(Debossing)등은 모든 배경색상에서 사용가능하다.